Wednesday, October 3, 2007

The most rarely mentioned weight loss secret!

After speaking with and observing hundreds of people of different ages who are in great shape and enjoy a very healthy life and high energy, I couldn't help but notice that very few of them had a specific gym routine that they committed to performing every day.

However, I noticed a very different, strikingly important thing that they all have in common. Their great lean bodies are a "side effect" of an exercise activity they already enjoy and would be involved in regardless of their desire to lose weight. In other words, you will not see those people pumping steel or running on a tredmill for a given number of minutes while looking at their watch every minute and thinking "When is it going to be over? I can't wait to get out of here!" Instead, these very fit people seem to truly enjoy whatever sports activity they are performing - hip hop dancing, martial arts, biking, rock-climbing, tennis, soccer, basketball are only few of the activities that are parts of those people's lives.

Obviously, since those people enjoy their activities, instead of waiting to get their exercise over with, they often lose track of time because they enjoy a game or a dance so much and they end up exercising much longer than they might have planned in the beginning. Thus, motivation for those people is not an issue.

Thus, if you too want to lose weight, you are much more likely to succeed if you try to combine "business" with pleasure - the business of losing weight with the pleasure of choosing an exercise that you enjoy.

Go ahead, try different kinds of sports, take a few different dance / yoga / pilates / martial arts classes. I am sure you will run into one or more kinds of activities that you will truly enjoy, and the weight problem will likely take care of itself as you get involved in the activity that you actually like.

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